Simulation Settings
Human Count:
Number of "people" in the simulation.
Isolation Capacity:
Maximum number of "people" in the isolation.
Human Radius:
Radius of the human element.
Human Sick Probability:
Probability of getting sick at the beginning of the simulation.
Human Immunity Probability:
Probability of having a natural immunity to the virus.
Human Stationary Probability:
Probability of not moving.
Human Death Probability:
Probability of dying after getting sick.
Infection Probability:
Probability of getting infected when close to the contagious or sick person.
Infection Distance:
Maximal distance at which infection occurs.
Human Max Velocity:
Maximal velocity of the human element.
Contagious Time (seconds):
Duration of the contagious phase.
Sick Time (seconds):
Duration of the sick phase.
To Isolation Time (seconds):
Time after which person will be moved to the isolation.
Max Time Variation (seconds)
Maximal variation for the duration of each infection phase.
Add sick
Add healthy
Reset simulation
© 2020 Damian Kurpiewski